SMART LIGHT is a streetlight remote management system that enables automatic ON/OFF and dimming control of every street lighting fixture in the city. It provides in-depth grid awareness and real-time feedback of any change occurring along the grid. Through dimming and smart scheduling, the system can reduce the energy costs with up to 80% (with LED lamps). Real-time malfunction monitoring and maintenance optimization tools increase lighting service satisfaction and can further cut operational costs with up to 42%
One gateway connect up to 4000 end devices in a 5-10* km range
When planning a scientific or medical laboratory it is always best to have one company in charge for coordination. SmartMax AG provides complete Turnkey Laboratory solutions such as planning your lab, understanding the needs, supervision, installation and after-care. The company supplies products of the world leading manufacturers to the most regions of the CIS countries and provides a full package of associated services – installation, training, and application support.
SmartMax AG supports young companies and invests to take a minority stake in the companies. Startups can profit from the active role that SmartMax AG members take in the company, like unpaid consultants.